Thursday, June 12, 2014

It's not your old desktop

StolenAdmit it. You never thought about locking your school desktop. Neither did I. No one in their right mind would consider lifting it and running. It's too heavy, hard to conceal, and not worth the hassle. Widely coveted and easily whisked away, your shiny school issued MacBook Air on the other hand, could sprout wings and take flight in seconds. Here are some tips to keep it safe and secure.
  • Keep it with you at all times.
  • Since the former is not always possible, if you leave it, lock it.
  • Do not leave your MacBook openly unattended during lunch, other breaks, or copy room excursions. Lock or conceal it in a desk or cabinet drawer.
  • Take it with you on fire drills.
  • Do not leave it unattended on your school desk overnight.
  • Running an errand on the way home? Out of sight, out of mind. Store it in the trunk, or under the seat of a locked auto.
  • Install and configure the Meraki management tool when you receive your MacBook during the June rollout. (You will be guided through this process.) Meraki might aid recovery efforts in the result of loss or theft.

Image credit: Berishafjolla [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Art! I'd like to add that, in my experiences, I would highly recommend attaching the extension chord to your basic recharging chord. It has a polarized component, but beyond that, the two pronged plug tends to create sparks when I plug it in.

    I also had a charring experience with a significant amount of smoke and repair when I charged my old MacBook when the magnetic adapter was not perfectly snapped in to the laptop. Don't worry - you'll know when it's in correctly. Enjoy!


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