Thursday, October 9, 2014

Cloud Printing Update

UPDATE:  11/5/2015
Skip this mess and jump right to the newest update.

Why would you want to setup Cloud Printing on your MacBook? Two reasons. First, Google Cloud Print is the printing system being used at our schools. Second, files uploaded to Google do not always convert or preview cleanly. The layout on a Google Doc imported from a complicated Word document is often a mangled mess. And, files from some programs like test generators will not convert at all. Cloud printing will allow you to print to district printers like Sharp Find Me from applications like Word, Excel, ExamView or your favorite equation editor that makes math problems look just right. In an earlier post, I described how to setup cloud printing on your MacBook. Admittedly, the solution was not for the tech averse. The directions included lots of steps through unfamiliar terrain. Recently, I had the chance to simplify the directions to setup cloud printing on your MacBook. Setting up Cloud Printing is not too complicated.  Don't panic, or worry about breaking anything. The worst outcome is that Cloud Printing won't work right, but the most likely result is a better printing solution for you. Try it!

Update, 10/10
Although Cloud Printer offers in-app purchase options, you don't need to purchase anything to print to Sharp Find Me. If you want to cook up an extra batch of nerd zen, go for the optional purchase, but it is really not necessary. Choose Sharp Find Me, then click Submit Print Job.

1 comment:

  1. I tried it, and I can't figure it out. Please help!


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