Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Google Account Security Checkup

Over the course of a school year, you might grant permission for a number of apps and web based resources to access your Google account. Doing so is convenient because it reduces the need to create and memorize login credentials for every service and tool you might try. Granting apps permission to use your Google credentials also creates a richer, more robust application ecosystem. Apps like WeVideo, Pixlr, and dozens of others really work well when they can open and save files directly with your Google Drive.

Still, it is important to be mindful of the apps to which you granted permissions and periodically review the permissions. Did you stop using an app? Revoke its permissions. Did a company close operations and take your favorite app into a digital oblivion? Revoke the app's permissions. Did your favorite app fall out of favor, or is it something you just don't use anymore? Revoke its permissions.

Revoking app permissions is part of a general Google security checkup. The security checkup is quickly and easily done. You should perform it on your school account, and especially on any personal or Google accounts you have. The holiday break is a great time to run the security check and it takes just a few minutes. The video below demonstrates one way to launch and complete the Google Account Security Checkup.

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