Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Google Drive Update

Google Drive remains an important feature for teachers still invested in older, traditional word, powerpoint, and excel documents, as well as other files like PDFs. Goggle Drive is their virtual flash drive that backs up its contents to the cloud, averting digital disaster if a Macbook bursts into flames one day. Perhaps it serves a similar purpose for you.

Across the district, teacher MacBooks are popping a Google Drive out of date message. Sadly, the Google Drive app that runs on Macbooks is not integrated into Apple's App Store where updates are easily applied. That bugaboo means that users have to manually update Google Drive, a process that is less than pretty. If you use Google Drive to backup and protect your documents (and you also want to stop the incessant, annoying update Google Drive message), you should update Google Drive. The video below (clumsily) provides enough direction to get started.


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