Friday, September 5, 2014

WiFi and Your MacBook Air

Some teachers have experienced flakey wireless connections with their MacBooks. If your MacBook frequently drops its wireless connection, or it seems to take a long time to make a connection, a ten second adjustment demonstrated in the video below may be just the thing you need to send your wireless connection woes to digital oblivion. Try it!

Update, 10/1/2014
If you are asked for credentials to EWG_Staff, please note the following:
  • Use the credentials you would use to login to a district owned windows computer or laptop. The format is first_last and then your password. Remember, this is the username and password you used for the older windows computers.
  • Don't use your Apple ID or password. It won't work.
  • Don't use your email address or password. It won't work.
You may also be asked to approve changes to your system using. Use the credentials that you use to login to your MacBook.

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