Monday, April 4, 2016

Surprise! It works with a Chromebook!

Early this morning, Jenn Rose asked if the library scanner would work on a Chromebook. I doubted it. I mean, seriously, it is hard enough to get it to run on XP; special drivers, updates, reboots, no administrative rights, and other tech gremlins. I tried to keep an open mind but quietly thought, "There's no chance." Jenn said she was going to try it, and I blurted, "Good luck! Let me know how it works."

Before I could escape, Jenn logged into a Chromebook, connected the scanner, and completed signout transactions for a student's books. No software install, no mess, and no hassle. It just worked, and worked well. Incredibly awesome.

Two years after Microsoft's XP retirement, there's one more XP workstation which can be mercifully unplugged. That workstation is in the Metcalf Library.

Scanner connected to a Chromebook

1 comment:

  1. This is so sweet. This is the way things should work, but too often don't. Nice to hear. Kudos, Jen!


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